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Dr. FJ, Internal Marketing, marketing, Rhino University, UCS, Unique Corrective System -

Hi Rhinos, Dr. FJ with Rhino University

This video I’ll be talking about the Unique Corrective System™. This is an internal marketing strategy that no one in the profession is teaching (yet). Almost everyone is teaching “screen, screen, screen.. talk, talk, talk” or just talking about facebook ads “hey! I got this crazy special!”

That’s all fine, you know, I’ve done lots of screenings and talks in the past but THIS is more important than all of that. THIS is how you differentiate yourself from the market. If you want people to Value what you do, if you want people to follow what you do, if you want educated referrers who then tell their friends and family bringing educated referrals that are happy to go through your process and happy to pay you well for what YOU DO, then THIS IS KEY!

The number 1 reason why people don’t do it? They’re afraid.
They’re afraid of saying straight up, “this is what we do” and having a few people go somewhere else.

You have to have the courage and toughness to allow those people to go somewhere else. It’s OKAY.

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Covid-19, Dr. FJ, Mindset, Rhino University, Video -

I want to talk about Mindset in a Crisis. We’ve got the Covid-19 going on right now at the time of this video, but if you’re watching this video in a couple years and corona is long gone, this is applicable to any type of crisis – recession, housing crash, something with insurance companies. There's a few things you have to do that will effect your mindset.

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Cash, Covid-19, Crisis Management, Dr. FJ, profit, Rhino University, Video -

Hi Rhinos, Dr. FJ Schofield bringing you your next episode of Rhino University.

We got a lot of craziness going on right now so I want to talk about Freeing up Cash in a Crisis.

Right now it's the Corona Virus, but this is applicable to any kind of adversity you face, like a recession, housing marketing crisis, or if Insurance Comp stops payment. This is applicable for many years to come.

The number one priority is to keep your business going, to turn a profit so you can take care of your family and your team.

Really consider these steps 3 steps.

We want you to thrive.

We need more successful chiropractors, and together we can change this profession for the better and forever but we need to have a lot of super successful chiropractors to do that.

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Dr. FJ, marketing -

  Appeal To Everyone This is the most common mistake in all of marketing. Don’t get me wrong of course Chiropractic can help everyone but that doesn’t matter; by trying to appeal to everyone you appeal to no one. The reason we do this? Fear   We are afraid that if we only speak to kids, pregnant women, people who want gentle, chronics, etc… then we are missing so many other people who could come to our office. We are also afraid if we only speak to this smaller group and they don’t like us then there will be no...

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Covid-19, Crisis Management, Dr. FJ, profit, Rhino University, Video -

The most dangerous thing you can do right now in this crisis is be overly optimistic and assume it’s going to be done in a couple weeks. You have to plan as if this is going to go on for months and months and months. Plan for that, and if it doesn’t, GREAT, if it does, you’re ready for it.

So you need to Profit Forecast – Where are you going to be, if you continue to run like you’re running, where are you going to be in 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 5 months…

So you need to know your numbers. We have a 6 week average excel sheet we send to our Rhinos for them to plug their numbers in. If this is your first time figuring your 6 week averages out, start with the 6 weeks just prior to this crisis starting. Compare your “normal running” 6 week average with your last few weeks in this crisis. You’ll then know, “okay, I’m operating at 50%”. Okay now let’s forecast that out in 5, 6 , 7, 8 weeks operating at 50 % (or whatever that looks like for you) and see what that looks like. Okay, now these are our costs, this is where we’re operating, are we profiting? So you got to know your numbers and you have to forecast out. Don’t be overly optimistic!

Then you want to look at your missed

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