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Dr. FJ, Gratitude -

In my opinion, one of the most crucial parts for you having a happy and successful life, business, family, and really a happy and successful anything, is having real sincere gratitude.

Gratitude towards the people you work with, gratitude for your patients, clients, or customers that put their trust in you.

Gratitude for your family and friends that love you despite your

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Doctor Tips, Dr. FJ, ROF -

A really, really important part of practice is the Report of Findings.

It’s huge! 1st and 2nd visit are obviously a big deal, and once you get those new patients in the door you have to then communicate effectively so they understand what is going on and so that they actually commit to care.

Most complaints that we hear from other patients that have gone to other chiropractors is that he or she didn’t explain anything.

“I would just come in, they’d adjust me and they’d say come back and I just had no idea about what was going on”

People want a plan, they want progression, and they want an explanation. Help them understand what’s going on in your mind. They want to know and it’s your responsibility to take them through the process. Start with this blue print

The biggest mistake that’s typically made is that

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Dr. FJ, Mindset -

When our lives and practices feel chaotic and out of control, it can be easy to think about how our practice would be if this current chaos wasn't happening. Maybe you would have broke a record, or perhaps [enter situation] would have happened, or something would have happened. That line of thinking is a waste of time and energy. The first action is always focus on the good, and be grateful. If you had 7 new patients but have been averaging 14 be thankful for the 7, if you saw 300 pv but usually see 450 pv be grateful for...

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Dr. FJ, MoChihChu, training -

We train our minds and our bodies to be able to execute effectively under pressure.

To be able to check, adjust, educate, connect with the maximum amount of people.

To be the leader, our patient’s need, to be the light in the dark.

As Andrew Jackson said, “One man with courage is a majority.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Zen master, observed while on their refugee

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Communication, Dr. FJ, Patients -

You are going to open your office, tell the story, and everyone’s mind is going to change and commit to lifetime care.

The problem is people’s minds rarely change.

If they do, it never happens from you forcing your ideas, philosophy, and knowledge on them.

If they are to change

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