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Action, Action Analysis, Dr. FJ, Rhino University, Video -

These simple little fundamentals implementations work, if you do them, if you don’t do them it won’t work. A lot of people think they’re too simple, it’s amazing the difference it came make. This one was massive for me and really revealed a lot.

This will help you first get aware of what you're doing, your actions on a day-to-day basis.
If you're not aware of them that you can't change them.

The first thing you got to know is, there's a problem, or there's an issue.
>>You feel really busy, and you want to know how do I get less busy, right? How effective are you?  Are you getting a lot done in that business? Usually not.

Now, 9 years into my own practice and probably for the first 5 or 6 years felt so busy, working so many hours. Doing well, but now I look at what we do and it’s just amazing how I’m working so much less, doing so much less and our office is so much more successful, so much more productive, things are getting done so much faster, we’re getting more projects happening, more effectively than I could have done, you know, what we're doing now in a month, used to take a 6 months to a year to get done, and this is one of the keys to that.
What this is called an action analysis.

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Covid-19, Crisis Management, Dr. FJ -

Water is essential for life, but we typically take it for granted because it is plentiful.

However, we can't survive very long without it.

Collections are your office's water supply.

Assuming everything is going to get back to normal quickly is a huge mistake and a recipe for disaster.

Please don't do this.

You have to be prepared for this to continue for months.

And if it continues to still run at a profit if it does.

In this situation, you have to look at the worst-case scenario and figure out how to navigate it.

Your job as a leader is to make tough choices and have honest and real conversations.

The first place to look is

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Dr. FJ, Productivity, Video -

I want to go over the number one productivity strategy I used and it has been a game-changer for me. I had a friend that I was working with that was going to an Elite Military Training and wanted to know what he could do. I told him this tip, this strategy and he later said that it was amazing. It made the difference for him and made everything else so much easier because he implemented this, each and every day.

it’s his really, really powerful. It seems simple and almost common sense - But so few people use it. The ones who do it makes a massive difference for them.

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Doctor Tips, Dr. FJ, Financial Presentation, Rhino University -

Hi Rhinos, Dr. FJ Schofield here, in this video I'll be going over the 2nd part of the ROF, the Financial Presentation. This is by the far the most messed up part in the Communication Process; right there with the consultation, it’s so important. If you do a bad consultation you’re screwed, but if you mess this part up, even if you have an awesome consultation and great ROF you shoot yourself in the foot with the Financial Presentation

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How we communicate is changing and changing fast.

In college 15 years ago, I called a lot, I would email friends and family and I hardly ever texted. Now I never email friends and family.

I text all the time, and I call very little. Young people are texting, DMing (direct message through social media), and who knows what else.

You should try

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