Rhino University EP 6: Productivity Strategy #2
These simple, little, fundamental implementations work, only if you do them, if you don’t do them obviously it won’t work.
As what Dr. Fred has said for many, many years, “Action is the active ingredient that transforms your dream into your reality.
Your actions tell your life story. It's what you're actually doing that matters.
Okay, what you doing is everything, but are you aware of it?
So what you're going to do, in the military they call this the debrief, so you can carefully evaluate a task or duty after it’s completed. So I want you to look at your last week or wait till the end of the week. Set aside an hour and write out all your actions, all your activities, all you duties. Everything you did that week and how many times did you do it?
Really important, everything you did and how many times did you do it.
You'll be amazed at how many kind of neurotic, if you're like me, habits you’ve developed.
Something you’re doing 12 times a day that you really only need to do once a day.
Little things like that, that you don't need to do.
Okay, so you’re going to write out everything, and this can be really surprising for you. The first time I did it, I was getting the mail. Why was I still getting the mail everyday? 5-10 min in, 5-10 min out, then I’m going through and then I have to go and open the mail and you know. That’s a half hour of getting the mail and then an hour of opening the mail every week that I could now spend on marketing, on exercise, I can read, I can train my team, I can do things that are productive.
So you want to boil down into the handful of actives that are your innate talents.
Your innate talents, and that's where you want to spend 80%-100% of your time, in those areas and in your strengths.
And the more you can get rid of these outside things, I mean anyone can do them without a certification or training. To get the mail, anyone can do it, with the key, so why not give that key to one of my assistants, he can go get it and it’s done.
Then I was amazed at some of the neurotic habits I had, and this might just be me, but there was one days that I checked my email 12 times and I check Facebook like 11 times one day.
Social media had become somewhat of an addiction. I had to completely get off for a year or two.
Now you’ll see me get on, I post, I comment, I reply but I schedule the time to do that. I know when I’m going to do it, how long I’m going to spend time on it, and then I get off - I don’t waste any more time. Then Sunday, if I want to go on and look at my friends and their kids - that’s a whole different deal, but I’m not doing that on a Wednesday when I should be adjusting. If I did, then now I feel super busy, I don’t feel as accomplished, I start feeling frustrated and then I start to beat myself up mentally and physically. For years, I felt like this. Like I should be accomplishing more. Why am I so tired, why is it taking so long, why aren’t these projects getting done? And this was part of the reason - I was wasting so much time in other areas.
So the Action Analysis is massive! I recommend doing it around once a year, unless you have multiple businesses or adding a lot of new people on and adjusting actives and duties. You might want to do it every 6 months or not. But if there’s not a lot of change, once of year is good.
In the comments, after you’ve done this let me know what surprised you the most, or what was helpful for you, I’d love to know!
Keep Charging!
Remember, you and I are changing the Chiropractic Profession for the better.