Business, CA, Dr. FJ, front office, hiring, Hiring and Training, impact, Leadership, Loyal, overhead cost, Practice Growth, practice tips, spending, staff -

The approach most people take to keeping their team together is bonuses when the office does really well.

I previously did this and still recommend it.

However, I have found 90% of the time my team members prefer

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adjusting, Authority, Building Trust, Doctor Tips, Dr. FJ, Dr. Fred -

One piece of genius Dr. Fred taught me when I worked for him was slowing my hands down.

When you are busy, it is easy to get rushed and allow your hands to go too fast.

Having slow hands will imply you are

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Action, Authority, Building Trust, Business, Commitment, Communication, Connection, Consultation, Doctor Tips, Dr. FJ, Loyal -

When I was working for him, a phrase Dr. Fred taught me was

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