74. Do You Really Have A Team
I have had this issue come up in several coaching calls, where docs were super busy, but we're not letting their team see the numbers.
Their collections were a secret.
Keeping your stats a secret doesn't work in building a team.
Your people know what you charge and what gets billed out, and they can look at the computer anytime, so it would not be hard for them to figure out the collections, but more important than that, is if you don't share that with them, then you don't have a team.
You will never have a connected cohesive unit if you try to hide that stuff from them.
You took the risk, put in the work, and created the value.
So, you deserve what you take home, and a good team member will understand that, but they are still going to want to be paid fairly and get some small but regular raises.
That's the game, but you first have to create a team and a culture based on honesty and transparency, or you will never create a great team.
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