73. In the ROF Guide, Advise, Give Options

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73. In the ROF Guide, Advise, Give Options

The one difference between my ROF and the different ROF's our clients have told me about being taught our profession is the per-visit option.

When my wife and I opened our practice, her priest came to us; her kindergarten teacher came to us, and so on.

There was no way I was going to tell those people "pre-pay or go somewhere else."

So, I figured out a better way, a simpler way, a more ethical way.

That way was letting people pay the full fee for a few adjustments if they want.

The per visit option allows you the potential ability to create a relationship with 100% of the new patients that come into your office.

That way, you can do a ROF with no pressure, fear, or pushing, and some people pay the full fee for your adjustment.

They can be anywhere from $35 to $150 or more, depending on what you're doing for them.

The per-visit option allows you to continue to receive referrals and potential reactivation from your patients that don't choose your pre-pay option.

Many down the road quit playing the pain game and decide to commit, and some continue to play, but they are all your patients.

Allowing these options will significantly reduce the number of X-rays you have to send to another chiropractor after the ROF.

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