1. My 3 Step Process For Constructive Critiquing

When I got into practice, I had a challenging time critiquing my team. I wasn’t sure how to instruct the members of my team without hurting feelings.
I realized this is not college football; you can’t just chew people out and have them keep coming back for more. I found a military tool that I now call the Performance Improver.
It consists of 3 essential and simple questions that allow you to help coach people without hurting feelings and coming off negative.
I cover this tool in my hiring and training program in-depth, but here I am going to review this 3 step process quickly so that you can use it right away.
If you'd like the form, email our office at SchofieldTraining@MoChihChu.com
If you'd like the form, email our office at SchofieldTraining@MoChihChu.com
1. The first question is: “What is being done well?”
By doing this, you start things on the positive and helps the whole interaction go smoother. List as many as you can and be real and enthusiastic.
2. The second question is: “What can be done better?”
Not what’s terrible or where is this person is messing up, but what can be done better. Fill this out, but don’t overdo it. Focus on the top priorities you need improved on.
3. The third question is: “How do we improve this going forward?”
List at most three steps the can be executed in the next 30 days, usually to improve your team members performance. Using the psychological Law of Commitment, have them sign it and date it.
If you cover the same issue several times, it’s obvious this person needs to do a better job or find a new one.
By you focusing on the positive first and you agreeing on specific steps to improve going forward, it makes follow-through easy and keeps good energy in your office.
Keep Charging,
-Dr. FJ Schofield