Mo Chih Chu is a samurai term that means "moving straight ahead without hesitation."
To be in this state of flow requires enormous training.
You can't flow through something the first time you do it.
It also requires focus to develop your ability to devote yourself to the present and respond innately.
In the movie "The Last Samurai," Tom Cruise's character is learning to use a sword, and the advice given is so appropriate for everyone, every day.
"Too many mind........mind the sword, mind the people watch, mind the enemy, too many mind.........No mind"
There are a lot of tactical and strategic tools for growing a busy office, but none are more important than learning to enter the Mo Chih Chu Flow State.
The state of No Mind.
You know how to adjust, train your team, lead a meeting, do a ROF, table talk, etc…
So now, you show up and move straight ahead with no mind.
Time for self evaluation is excellent and needed, however in the moment, when the patient is on the table, this is not the time.
It's time to Mo Chih Chu.
Keep Charging,
Dr. FJ Schofield