#128: The 2nd Step For Fewer Refunds Is…
The 2nd essential step for fewer refunds is care checkpoints.
These are your re-exams, re-Xrays, or any other objective tests you may do in chiropractic—for example, posture exams, scans, orthopedic tests, whatever tests you use.
These have two beneficial functions number one, progress with care.
They check on symptomatic and functional improvement, which patients forget if you don’t remind them (Walking a bit longer, sleeping better, etc.)
Number two, it also gives them something to look forward to and makes sure there is an objective improvement.
If possible, it’s nice to do these in a different room and go through a separate evaluation process to show them you are doing something different from your regular visit.
Using checkpoints with care plan progression keeps people engaged and reminds them of improvements.