10. What an oak tree can teach you

Dr. FJ, marketing -

10. What an oak tree can teach you

Last week I was digging up and replanting plants. Around one of the big trees in our yard, I am assuming it’s an oak tree but have no idea if it is, there were roots everywhere.

Big ones and little ones, all spreading way out into the yard.

It dawned on me.

This is precisely how you want your marketing to be.

You leverage every available medium to tell your story to the people you want to take care of.

You should use:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Social Media, both posts and paid ads

Ad Words


Internal Education / Workshops

Community Talks


Newspaper (If it still works, probably only small non-transient towns)

Yellow Pages (If it still works, only retirement communities)

Friends & Family Coupons

Signage - If you have good visibility


ou should be using every method possible to attract the right people to your office.


If you are hungry to grow big, this is how you do it.

Keep Charging,

Dr. FJ Schofield

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