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Dr. FJ, Screenings, Talks, Warren Buffett -

When Warren Buffet and his partner Charlie Munger do their annual reports for their stockholders, they always start by reviewing the mistakes they have made that quarter.

This allows them to build a tremendous amount of trust, and then they get the opportunity to talk about their strengths, merits, wins, and why they should hold onto and buy more of their stock.

This straightforward yet powerful tactic is a great way to handle asymptomatic patients who need your care.

You know who I am talking about, the patient who’s pain "went away" right after they made the phone call or since they scheduled at your screening or workshop.

Those patients were always challenging and uncomfortable.

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Dr. FJ, social media -

Do you Respond

The number one metric all platforms are looking at right now is engagement.

When someone responds to a post video or review,

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Dr. FJ, Scale your Practice -

You hear a lot about scaling in the entrepreneurial and business world.

For a long time, I had no idea what it really meant.

It means handling growth.

Rarely is this term used in chiropractic because it is hardly ever done.

Scaling means hiring people to do duties for you.

I would recommend first giving away the ones you dislike and are not good at doing. However, eventually, you need to share all the activities, or you can’t leave.

Be careful for the doctor should do everything idea or the one doctor and a ton of CA practice models because they both involve you working like crazy and not scaling at all.

To grow big and not work 80 hours a week takes skill.

You need

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Action, Dr. FJ -

The key is to get clear about what your skills are and start using and honing them immediately. There are always a million reasons not to do YOUR work.

There is a resistance that fights you.

It appears in your doubts, fears, excuses, and holds you back from making the impact you seek to make.

It tells you: "you can’t charge that much," "you can’t see that many people," "you can’t take that time off," "only you can do that," ....and then you end up stuck.

Unable to grow, Unable create freedom, Unable to prosper.

The only way I know to overcome this resistance

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Dr. FJ, hiring, training -

When I opened my practice, I focused on marketing, communication, technique, sales, and on and on but what I was surprised to find is none of those skills were the most challenging part of the practice.

For me, the most exhausting and challenging part of practice was hiring and training my team.

I spent a lot of time and energy; evaluating my process and realized attracting quality people is everything.

You can be the best coach in the world but if your players all suck it doesn’t matter.

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