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Action, Building Trust, Communication, Connection, Doctor Tips, Dr. FJ, focus, impact, Influence, Mirroring, Practice Growth, Trust -

Trust is at the foundation of influence.

If someone you trust asks you to do something, you consider it because

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Action, Business, character, Dr. FJ, ethics, focus, goals, growth, impact, performance, Success -

If you could watch your funeral and everyone who you ever interacted with was there. Friends, family, coworkers, employees, patients, teammates, opponents, etc., and they all were honest about how you had impacted their lives.

What would they say?

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adding services, Burnout, Cash, creating value, Doctor Tips, growth, impact, making money, Patient Loyality, Patients, practice tips, profit -

Over the years, I've heard many talk about "this is the way to make money; this is how you get the money."

Then years later, they are doing something completely different or are miserable doing the same thing.

When evaluating an opportunity, one of the first aspects I look at to decide if I will say 'yes' or 'no' is

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"One Thing", Billy Crystal, growth, impact, Practice Growth, routine -

When you have a practice, family, house, even with yourself, there are many priorities, but the key is to whittle them down to a few.

My dad loved the movie city slickers with Billy Crystal when the old cowboy lifts his index finger and says, "one thing, just one thing".

But it is so true, you have to figure out your why, your "one thing."

You have to continually find the few actions that lead toward the "one thing."

If you can do this, you will make everything better, more effective, and more fulfilling.

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