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Dr. FJ, MoChihChu, training -

We train our minds and our bodies to be able to execute effectively under pressure.

To be able to check, adjust, educate, connect with the maximum amount of people.

To be the leader, our patient’s need, to be the light in the dark.

As Andrew Jackson said, “One man with courage is a majority.”

Thich Nhat Hanh, the Vietnamese Zen master, observed while on their refugee

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Dr. FJ, hiring, training -

When I opened my practice, I focused on marketing, communication, technique, sales, and on and on but what I was surprised to find is none of those skills were the most challenging part of the practice.

For me, the most exhausting and challenging part of practice was hiring and training my team.

I spent a lot of time and energy; evaluating my process and realized attracting quality people is everything.

You can be the best coach in the world but if your players all suck it doesn’t matter.

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