4. Do you know what you want?

4. Do you know what you want?

When I stop and reflect, the most significant times of growth in my life were because I had an all-consuming desire.

In College, I wanted to be an all-conference player, which I was 3 out of 4 years.

During my senior year, I wanted to be a first-team player.

This goal was quite audacious for me because I started as a walk-on. I failed to reach that goal. I was second-team again.

I can tell you my failure to achieve that goal doesn't matter.

Because just having that goal, created something in me.

It created a burning desire I didn't have before. And, It resulted in unintended amazing effects.

The focus that burning desire created in me helped me do better in class. It helped lead me to become Male Student-Athlete of the Year, which was never a goal, just a by-product of one crystal clear and well-defined objective.

It was the same in chiropractic school when I wanted to be captain of the A-side rugby team, which was a big goal when you start as a B-side player.

Then when I opened my practice, getting to 200 a week was my clear burning desire.

It's great to have long term visions, and we help people write those out at our December training.

This year we are also going to have everyone go through the Rhino Burning Desire Revealing Process for figuring out and writing down one crystal clear objective for 2020.

Join us if you can, and we will have exercises to help you create it, but if you can't attend.

Schedule yourself some time and create your one burning desire for 2020.

Watch what that does for you!!!!

Keep Charging,

Dr. FJ Schofield

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